Howto: Install Ruby on Rails with Cpanel

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Installing Ruby on Rails on cPanel

Start the installation steps with root privileged or sudo user or you have to submit a tickte to your hosting provider for enabling Ruby on rails in you hosting account.

For detailed information about RubyGems: commands and system, read their User Guide Manuals at:

– To install Ruby on Rails:

SSH to the server and run this command:

  • /scripts/installruby

If LIBSAFE is installed on your server, you need to add the directive /usr/bin/ruby to the exception list to prevent buffer overflow errors. SSH to the server and run this command:

  • echo “/usr/bin/ruby” >> /etc/libsafe.exclude

The local path to the binary package is:

To check on the current version installed on your server:

  • /usr/bin/gem -v

To list all installed gems:

  • /usr/bin/gem -l

– To uninstall Ruby on Rails:

  1. List all the gems installed on your server and remove them all using the following command:
    • /usr/bin/gem uninstall NAME_OF_GEM

    The cPanel/WHM, by default, installs the following Gems:
    rails, mongrel, fastthread, actionmailer, actionpack, activerecord, activeresource, activesupport, cgi_multipart_eof_fix, daemons, gem_plugin, rake. For example, to uninstall the Gem: rails, we’ll run this command:

    • /usr/bin/gem uninstall rails

    Sample output:
    Successfully uninstalled rails version 0.1.6

  2. Remove Gem directories and the binary package using the following commands (in that order):
    • /bin/rm -rf /usr/lib/ruby
    • /bin/rm -rf /home/cprubygemsbuild
    • /bin/rm -fv /root/.gem
    • /bin/rm -fv /usr/bin/gem
  3. Remove all ruby directories added to a client’s root directory. The local path is: /home/USER/ruby/
  4. Restart the cPanel (un-necessary but do it any way)
  • /sbin/service cpanel restart


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