
HowTo: Extend the volume in windows

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It will be possible to resize the system partion with tools that are either commercially available or opensource. Acronis ‘Disk Partition Manager’ is a good example of a commerical product (, Thier is another tool that comes with Linux ‘Live CD’ called “GParted”. This will also resize partions without data loss. To extend a volume, follow these steps,

Run –> cmd –> type diskpart.exe.

Type list volume to display the existing volumes on the computer.

Type Select volume volume number where volume number is number of the volume that you want to extend.

Type extend [size=n] [disk=n] [noerr]. The following describes the parameters: size=n The space, in megabytes (MB), to add to the current partition. If you do not specify a size, the disk is extended to use all the next contiguous unallocated space. disk=n

The dynamic disk on which to extend the volume. Space equal to size=n is allocated on the disk. If no disk is specified, the volume is extended on the current disk.

info: Installing or renewing ssl on iis7

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The steps for configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for a site are the same in IIS 7 and  IIS 6.0

Their  are few may ways to install or renew SSL for the domains running under IIS server, generally in the real time environment ssl  provider willl sent the file with exetension .key .csr .crt .ca  in Linux there are nothing complicated but here we have to follow few more setps, one of the easyst way that I mentntioned here.

First thing we may have to import the certificate file over IIS management console it only support .pfx file so we have to gerate the file from the given files like .crt .key. , to complete this jon there is a simple command line tool available on both windows and linux called openssl

The below steps will provide .pfx file :

#Password is optional
root@server [~]# openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey -name -passout pass:PASSWORD -out
  1. Open the IIS Manager by going to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Under Connections click your server’s Hostname.
  3. In the center window pane, scroll down to and Double-Click the Server Certificates icon.


4. On the right window pane under Actions click the link to Import.iis7-csr-2

5. Select the new .pfx file and import with name. Now we can see the the imported file under server certificate

6. Under the Connections window pane, expand your server’s computer name, then click the Site that you want to enable SSL on.

7. Actions menu click Bindings…


8. then select the binding for https and click ‘Edit‘.


9. In the ‘SSL certificate:’ drop-down menu select your newly-installed SSL Certificate by it’s friendly name, and click Ok.


New SSL Certificate should now be installed on server.

Error: Unable to connect DynamoDB in AWS Eclipse Toolkit

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I am using Eclipse to connect AWS Dynamo Db and manage TABLES : by installing aws tool kit. everything will works fine but Dynamo db shows unable to connect, unfortunately here is the solution for this.If you can’t get anything else to work, you can screw with the plugin’s metadata to force an http:// connection and avoid ssl entirely.

Follow the below setps to change the metadata to http://

In your eclipse workspace, open the .metadata directory. Browse to .metadata/.plugins/com.amazonaws.eclipse.core/regions. In there is a file called regions.xml. Edit it, changing the DynamoDB entry from https://... to http://... Then restart eclipse, and you will be connecting to DynamoDB over http:// .

Steps to install AWS tool kit.

1. Install AWS Eclipse tools in a clean Eclipse environment (from Help->Eclipse Marketplace only), with no prior installations of the tools on the test machine. Simply wiping a prior installation might leave working settings, config items behind.
2. Note the DynamoDB (as of this writing) is not included in Help->Eclipse Marketplace distribution.
3. Add in DynamoDB from Help->Install New Software
4. Note that it doesn’t connect after entering credentials.


Thats it..:)




Error: Failed to access IIS metabase, when trying to browse to .NET 2.0 Website

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To resolve that issue please follow steps below –

1. Unregister all the versions of ASP.NET with command “C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ua”.

2. Delete the ASPNET account from “Local Users and Group – Users”.

3. Then registere ASP.NET 2.0 with IIS using “C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –i”.

4. Give permissions to the ASPNET account using “C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ga machinename\ASPNET”.

5. Reset the IIS and that resolved the issue for ASP.NET 2.0.

6. Register ASP.NET 1.1 with IIS as well using command “C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_regiis –i”.

7. Reset the IIS.


Run the following from your command line to reset IIS registry settings for aspnet user.

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.0.50727>aspnet_ regiis -i

After following the above steps we configured virtual directory versions as required and test both ASP.NET 1.1 and ASP.NET 2.0 application.

Everything will work after that.


Error: #2002 – The server is not responding (or local MySQL server’s socket is not correctly configured).

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While accessing PhpMyAdmin getting the following error.

#2002 – The server is not responding (or local MySQL server’s socket is not correctly configured).

Reason :-
The  mysql socket file is missing from the /tmp directory

Fix :-

1. Create a symbolic link from the original mysql socket file to /tmp

[root@test ~]# ln -s /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp


2. Restart MySQL service from WHM

WHM Login >> Main >> Restart Services >>SQL Server (MySQL)


3.  Edit the PhpMyAdmin configuration file to use the original MySQL socket file.

vi /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/

Make sure, the correct mysql socket file is mentioned there.
$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘socket’] = ‘/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock’;
$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘connect_type’] = ‘socket’;


4.Change the server addr local host to physical IP .


Howto: Enable remote desktop from CMD

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Starting remote desktop on a remote pc when you only have a telnet access to it.
once you have a telnet session to a remote pc you may want to also use remote desktop .

It’s disable and needs to be enable can’t connect !!

First of all you will need to enable it if its not
running on the remote pc.

from the command prompt use these commands.

reg add “hklm\system\currentControlSet\Control\T­erminal Server” /v “AllowTSConnections” /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 /f


reg add “hklm\system\currentControlSet\Control\T­erminal Server” /v “fDenyTSConnections” /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f

The next step is to enable the service if it is disable it is the terminal service – services

goto the command line and type in

sc config TermService start= auto

this will enable it .

next you need to start if to start it type this into the command prompt

net start Termservice

Enable Remote Desktop Service

Now your almost done!

We will need to open a port in the firewall

open Ports in Firewall for — remote Desktop

Here are the commands.



add portopening TCP 3389 “Remote Desktop”

ok now il try and connect again !

Error: Spoolsv.exe is taking up 59%, 70% or maxmimum system resources caused stuck.

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This file is responsible for how Microsoft Windows handles print and fax jobs on your computer. This file is not a critical process and can be safely removed from the Task Manager  to free up used memory.

To do this in Task Manager highlight he spoolsv.exe process and click the End Process button.

The abnormal high amount of CPU usage is caused when there are still printer jobs in the Windows spool. To manually remove these print jobs follow the below steps.

1. Click Start, Settings, Control panel.

2. In the Control Panel double-click the Administrative Tools and then Services.

3. Within services locate Print Spooler and right-click it and select Stop.

4. Once this process has been stopped leave the windows open and open My Computer and browse the the below folder




5.In this folder delete all the files in the PRINTERS folder. Once these have been deleted you can right-click the Print Spooler in the Services window and click Start to re-enable the service.

If this does not resolve your issue it’s likely you have an issue with your printer drivers you have installed for your printers.

Howto: Privilege Level To Change The System Time.

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Give uses to change or view Time and Date settings when they are in user level privilege.

Click Start, Run and type GPEDIT.MSC
Navigate to:

Computer Configuration
Windows Settings
Security Settings
Local Policies
User Rights Assignment

Double-click “Change the system time”
Add “Administrators” and “Power Users” to the list.

You may and any users or groups to list to the do the job.

No need to reboot the desktop just execute this from RUN tab gpupdate /force to save changes.

Note : Make relogin the added user to get previlage.

Howto: Disable Adobe CS4 Activation Check on line

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You can do this by editing some simple entries on host file.

In XP open C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts sample entry is added in it.

If you are using win Vista or later version you may follw the steps to edit the host file

Orginal location :  C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

1.Copy  the hosts file to another location

2.Edit the entry that need on the file.

3.Replace the file to original location.

That’s it enjoy….!!!!!!!

Enable/Disable firewall through command line

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This command is very useful when we are working with windows netwok

Open command prompt

This command gets into the firewall section.

Type in:
netsh firewall set opmode enable “To enable firewall”

netsh firewall set opmode disable “To disable firewall”